Thursday, November 12, 2009


commissioned by pythagorus-TV for their valentine issue, i was inspired by famous sculptures and paintings called "the kiss" and how, through photography, i could re-interpret them into contemporary allegorical images of the realities of modern day relationships.  in BRANCUSI'S "THE KISS" i tried to portray the boxed in tightness of relationship and paradoxically, feel i managed to capture the beauty in the oneness and closeness two lovers might share.  

RODIN'S "THE KISS" captures the similarity of bronze to the splendour of dark skin, and being lost in a moment of love 
ROTBERG'S "THE KISS" portrays the union of marriage
CUPID AND PSYCHE gay love and freedom it now has after years of repression 
KLIMT'S "THE KISS" the sparkle and gold encrusted bullshit that marriage is made out to be !  be weary of the glitter ... sometimes it can turn out worse than a very cold bath

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